When September ends...

I have kept photos in my Google Account for years now (I only stopped when Google announced that these automatic backups will count towards the 15 GB quota). Over the years of accumulating these photos, I have covered all dates of the year (even the extra day of February during leap years), so Google has been sending me memories of where I was years ago almost everyday. 

Today, as always, Google sent me memories again, showing pictures of dating back to more than a decade ago. It's as if it is (to borrow the famous lines of Greenday) ‘waking me up when September ends.’ This post is an homage to this famous song, and a rewind, a summary, of my life. I collected all pictures from the end of September over the years.


September 2010
Year 2010: Planting the durian in front of the house


September 2012
Year 2012: From my empty apartment in Dresden. I just bought the sofa bed!


September 2013
Year 2013: At Dresden Altmarkt. That was the last day of my friend Christian's visit.


September 2015
Year 2015: In Coron, together with our German friends.


September 2016
Year 2016: Post-seminar chillin' at the office. Playin' around with my Photo Booth.


September 2017
Year 2017: Bee-ing happy in Jollibee with Stacie.


September 2018
Year 2018: Stacie dancing at home.


September 2019
Year 2019: In Singapore for the Conference on Complex Systems 2019.


September 2020
Year 2020: In Makati for my annual medical examination.



This year, it has been a very busy end of September for me and my team. Two accepted papers have now been published, and four of my students have successfully defended their thesis proposals. I have just finished checking volumes and volumes of papers and submitting grades. 

So, thanks Google, for the nudge. Meanwhile, I am (to paraphrase the same Greenday song) ‘going back to sleep before October comes.’ ■
